The southern part of the Java island (Indonesia) is the Indian Ocean. Yogyakarta is one of 33 provinces of Indonesia. The most southern part of the province of Yogyakarta is Bantul, where the most southern land directly bordering the Indian Ocean. This makes the Bantul also has many beaches tourism such as Parangtritis, Depok, Pandansari, Samas, Kuwaru, and Goa Cemara. The most known beach is Parangtritis. In addition to the place which is easily accessible and many public transport pass.
Parangtritis beach in Yogyakarta has become the best known by tourists. However, there is a beach that is no less good than Parangtritis. This beach is Gua Cemara, the name of beach is taken from Indonesia language. Goa means cave while Cemara is an pine tree. Although the name of the beach is made up the word of cave, but none of the cave here. Meant of "Cave" here is a trajectory path to the beach is closed by a dense evergreen tree leaves. On top of tracks as long as path covered fir leaves that form an arch like the arch cave. That is why the name of the beach is known as Goa Cemara. Type of pine tree that grows around the Goa Cemara beach was Casuarina equisetifolia (cultivation of local residents since 2000). In the beginning, the planting of pine trees to avoid abrasion. Because the place to be beautiful then be used as tourism since 2010.
Casuarina equisetifolia in Goa Cemara beach |
This beach is located in the village of Patehan, Gandingsari, district of Sanden, Regency of Bantul, Province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. All the fees entered in the row of the south coast in southern land in Yogyakarta is IDR 5000 or USD 0.5 for each person. Cost is only paid one-time as long as not out of path that has been provided in the southern land of Yogayakrta. That is, if visitors who want to go to the Parangtritis beach then moved to the Depok beach (or other beaches), visitors will only pay a levy one time. Tourists who come to Goa Cemara beach can use the public transport such as bus from the Giwangan bus station (the main bus terminal in Yogyakarta city) with lines for Jogja-Samas. The next trip followed by a walk between 15 to 20 minutes to go to the Goa Cemara beach. Unfortunately, public transport which through the streets arround the Goa Cemara beach not operate until the night (even, it's rare in the evening).
The best advice for your transportation to go to Goa Cemara beach is a private vehicle, either a motor or a car, because the road is flat and very good. If visitors come from out of town or country, visitors can rent a car to drive to Goa Cemara beach. There are many car rental company that rents cars (with or without a driver) in Yogyakarta. Although a bit expensive, but more comfortable. Typically, car rental system duration every 12 or 24 hours. The cost is common USD 3 for 24 hours and USD 1.75 for 12 hours (without a driver). To avail the facility, used the car to explore other object tourism more freely. For cheaper cost than the cost of the rent a car is a rental motorcycle, there are several places that provide motorcycle rentals in Yogyakarta.
Along the way to the Goa Cemara beach, visitors can also enjoy the beautiful scenery, the farm system is somewhat different from other areas. Many land planted with onions, sometimes there is onion which was dried in a side street. Facilities available on the Goa Cemara beach is also quite complete such as stall or stalls with typical seafood traditionally processed, souvenir shop, camping ground, and breeding / releasing turtle (if you're lucky). The waves in the Goa Cemara beach is quite large, so it's important to always be vigilant.